Saturday, March 14, 2009

The ultimate cureall...count on it!

Got the yips? Can't take the game from the range to the course? Find yourself quitting on shots? Too distractable? Confused?
Try this: The Counting Cure.
Caution: you must be a veteran golfer, one who has hit every possible good shot enough times so that you have a visual memory of what that shot looks like from your own vantage point as you watch it. If you have that experience, from a putt to a drive, try this.
First, visualize the shot you want to hit. 
Next, carefully set up to the ball. Make sure your ball-position, grip, body alignment and posture are all the way they should be to execute the shot you've chosen.
Next, waggle the club exactly three times, simulating the hand-action necessary for the chosen shot.
Next, bring the clubhead to a stop, either on the ground behind the ball, or hovering just above the ground behind the ball.
Next, rotate your right (back for a right-hander) thigh counter clockwise and move it toward the target,
Next, take the club back,
Next, strike the ball.

Now, here's the catch. Learn to do all of this while counting, in your head, 

No other thoughts are allowed in, once you start the first waggle.
Works for me. 

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