Sunday, February 15, 2009

Feeling the swing

If asked to feel something, I use my hands. That's what they're built for, with more sense receptors in the fingertips than anyplace else on the body, inch for square inch.
But what we really use to feel things is our brains. The sense receptors are activated, send signals to the brain, we interpret said signals and "feel" things.
Just fine for feeling a lump of clay or the surface of an apple. But if you're 'getting the feel' of a golf club that you're swinging up and back around your body, then forward, you're using your sense of the weight of the club relative to your hands. And receiving the neuro-electric information and interpreting it takes time.
Indeed, by the time you feel just where the clubhead is (aside from the address position, when you can look at the thing) it isn't there anymore.
Soooooooo, what we all have to do is pinpoint the thing we WANT to feel that allows us to make a good, efficient, stroke at the ball.
Once you get that, you build the rest of your routine about that last feel.

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